Title: 커피프린스 1호점 / Coffee Prince Chinese title : 咖啡王子1号店 Also known as: The 1st Shop of Coffee Prince Genre: Romance, Comedy Ep...Read More
September 25, 2012
September 18, 2012
Sinopsis 'Panda and Hedgehog' All Episodes
Title: 판다양과 고슴도치 / Panda and Hedgehog Chinese Title: 熊貓小姐與刺蝟 Also Known as: Porcupine And Miss Panda Genre: Romance, Comedy Epi...Read More
Sinopsis 'To The Beautiful You' All Episodes
Title: 아름다운 그대에게 / To the Beautiful You Chinese Title: 給美麗的你 / 韓版花樣少年少女 Also Known as: Hana Kimi (Korean Version) Genre: Roman...Read More
September 6, 2012
Sinopsis 'Arang and the Magistrate' All Episodes
Title: 아랑사또전 / Arang and the Magistrate Chinese Title: 阿郎使道传 Also known as: Arang / Arang Magistrate Story / Arang: Magistrate’s ...Read More
Sinopsis 'Faith @ The Great Doctor' All Episodes
Title: 신의 / Faith Chinese Title: 信義 / 神醫 Also Known as: The Great Doctor Genre: Romance, Historical, Fantasy, Time-Travel Episo...Read More
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